Forum Friends,

From my previous post regarding the 7000 Explorer, you can see I had several problems. I have continued to use the tool and I think I have solved all of my problems. It is not the 7 Explorer, it is my computer.

My computer would not accept the PNY 2.0 reader as not needing additional drivers. After many, many attempts it finaly found the drivers and it works like it should. Put an SD in the reader and up comes...."What do you want to do"........."KN 7000 Explorer is listed" on it and there is the SD displayed in 7 Explorer. My initial problem was my computer (Compaq XP).

If I leave the reader attached to my computer and boot, it will not find the files. If I dis-connect it and re-connect, it works proper. Why?

I worked on 45 floppies converted from other instruments today. I added them to SD. I had no trouble copy/paste until floppy 39. At that point I could copy from A drive, and paste on 7 Explore. Paste was non existent (grayed out). Trying to solve my problem, I started with the A drive(Floppy). Uninstalled and reinstalled the driver. The paste appeared in 7 Explore and I could continue.

I am far, far from a computer expert, but I think a great deal of the problems we are experiencing from using KN 7000 Explore come from our computers and other software/hardware we have installed.

Hint: When you open a new SD there are no folders shown, and you have to add folders. I format on the 2600/7000 and name folder 99. When you open you have 99 folders to fill and only have to name.

Hopefully posts on the forum will make it easier for non computer guru like me.

See some of you at the East Coast Jam where we can exchange views.

Fran in Florida