Goeden Avond Cees en Gunnar,

Ja. Uitsmijter is heel goed. Loempia en sate ook. Cees, mijn Hollands is niet zo goed nu. Ik heb het tal niet gebruiked voor veel jaaren. Maar ik kan nog een kleinbeetje woorden schriven.

Gunnar, I said to Cees that uitsmijter, loempia and sate are good. They are foods. I also said I haven't used the language for many years but I can still write a few words.

I have the sense that some forum members feel we should restrict our dialogue to keyboard talk only. I'll be the first to respect those wishes if that is the consensus, but I must admit I enjoy talking about a whole range of topics as well with all of you, my keyboard friends.

Best Wishes to All,
