Hello All, I hope you'are all doing well smile

It's taken me ages but I've finally managed to acquire the BK9 and it's a fantastic keyboard indeed and much prefer it to the EA7 I already have.

All those posts of the past from the likes of Fran (not sure if he's around here anymore), and of course Diki, praising the great sounds and styles of Roland and how favourably they stack up against the likes of Korg, Yamaha and even Ketron, I can see why people would say that.

The EA7 was my first and only experience of Roland and I although it's very good as well, the BK9 is a different and more pleasant Roland experience I think. I don't understand why the BK9 didn't do so well, apart from the obvious cosmetic exclusions such as touch screen, it still sounds fantastic.

The BK9 has made me even more curious about previous Roland keyboards such as the G70 and E80, but since they do not have USB or even SD I would be reluctant to use them.

I do have a quick question. On the BK9, is there a way to save registrations like you can on the EA7? I can't seem to find how to do it.

All the best,