describing a real default is ok and submitting to the factory is the right way to improve hard or soft

criticize what someone THINK or GUESS is different: many things said are supposed or false, even by Event owners who have not read the manual or are not used to Ketron...
Wjth my Audya, once I load a registration, I never (scarcely) hit any button while playing as any usual or useful function is at a toetip (fill, break, variation, voice, snare, transpose,.., see manual)...

I forgive ... better wait for my Event.. My brother Genos is a very good kb but doesn't attract me, neither did the SD9
PA5X and Genos are very good kb but Event is my choice
The whole world doesn't drive Toyota.. So I choose a Fiat
from now on, on some forums, I make a screen copy... in case... time will tell
imagine some people you know having more power...luckily God knows best! Take it easy ... and funny!