I see the SX900 as very much a fresh start for Yamaha, but there’s a lot of unfulfilled promise as you’d expect with the first in a series. I definitely feel that it needs a lot (all, to be honest!) of the styles reworked to get those Revo kits on them, in fact, it needs some kind of macro that can convert old drum tracks to use all the extra Revo sounds without much hard work remapping the sounds.

Either that or a TON of new styles using the best kits and sounds.

There’s a few interface changes that would improve life immensely. Touch screen is too much eye candy, not enough control. A good screen design can present a LOT of information and control, but Yammie have squandered much of that huge display on pictures of pianos, whatever. This board is too complex for those dumb enough to need all their sounds presented with big pictures just wasting screen area…

Hopefully there’s much coming if Yammie continue messing with it seriously…
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!