Not a bad first Video Bern. The audio critique by Dikie is one that I'm also guilty of. Too much volume on right hand, and not enough "umph" with the style. There are times, of course, when simulating a solo, you do want that right hand out front, but generally, getting the whole band involved sounds better. Maybe pay them better smile

On the video end, and I'm somewhat of a video fanatic, actually possessed smile you have what they call "fish-eye phenomenon". It usually occurs in the camera lens, because you are too close to the camera using wide-angle. You can try and reduce this effect, by moving away from your camera. Curious, are you using a web cam, phone, or dedicated camcorder. Fix the "fish eye" and it will look great.

Making musical videos is a fun hobby, and it's a great way to pass the time, you're off to a good start. I can tell you are a pro player, who probably was brought up on a Hammond, or similar non arranger. Good job playing. Thanks for sharing.

Larry "Hawk"

Hawk Music
Sadly No More frown

♫ 🎹🎹 ♫ SX-900