Thank you for commenting both here and on youtube itself.
Always appreciated. Yep, I am currently definitely going for a few more " bare-bone recordings ", which as you point out so rightly adds a fair amount of intimacy.....


I have not felt offended by you not even for a nano second smile
I know you have been around professionally on stage for many many years and that you have entertained throngs of folks while
gigging. Reading your reply I can only conclude that we basically fully concur, that is gigging and entertaining you have to please the crowds and aim at covering the song you are playing as close to the original as possible. Crowds want to be entertained and do not want to put up with variations and arrangements conconcted by me or you that stray too far from the original. That is not to say they would not like or appreciate it, but not while going out to a venue or social gathering. I am pretty sure you had little time left to spend the amount of time on arranging stuff at home like I do. Nothing wrong with either and besides there is no accounting for tastes. I have always admired folks like you, Don, Uncle Dave,Donny,Deane etc. for their musicality and high standards as well as your kindness in helping out others be it with good advice or some software etc. You are all aces to me my friend!


P.S. your recording goes to prove that a piano version of Wonderful Tonight remains rare indeed smile smile