I want a date with Halley Berry. Doesn’t mean I’m going to get one!

If I could see a solution to your issue, I’d post it. I can’t see one. So, the question becomes, can you work around the issue in other ways, or should you give up?

As I have said before, Ted… the effort that it looks like it would take to learn to program Arduino, or any of these other extremely labor intensive so-called ‘solutions’ to your problem strike me as far more work than simply addressing the core problem you stubbornly cling to. The unwillingness to just knuckle down for a few weeks or months, and actually learn to play the chords properly.

How many months or years have you spent trying to work around a problem that a few weeks hard practice would have solved for good? All this talk about semi-solutions that one keyboard or another had, that introduce further problems because something ELSE they do doesn’t work right, the frustration that keyboards aren’t always designed about your self-imposed restrictions (conveniently ignoring that other people are quite content with different fingering systems that you won’t adapt to), the upset when a system that previously worked for you is dropped because hardly any people use it…

All this, gone in a few weeks of the same exact degree of effort, but spent on learning to finger chords properly rather than arcane workarounds that will have to change for your next keyboard because it does one thing or another slightly differently. I mean, for Pete’s sake, what’s so hard about learning that 1st inversion C chord is EGC..? Bloody sight easier than Arduino, I guarantee!

A ‘shortcut’ that costs more in time than the original journey is no shortcut, my friend!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!