As Promised....

Transferring SONGS4U files to Floppy Disk for KN7000 (Windows)

1. Create a dedicated folder on your desktop - call it for example 'KNdownloads'.
2. Download a SONGS4Uxx.ZIP file and save to the KNdownloads folder.
3. Upzip the SONGS4Uxx.ZIP file to the KNdownloads folder.
4. Format a 1.44Mb floppy disk.
5. Copy all the Numbered files (01 - xx) in the KNdownloads folder to the floppy disk. There is also a text file containing the actual full names of the songs within the folder, related to the 6 character Floppy disk filename. This would not be readable on the KN7000 so there is no point in copying it
6. Place the floppy disk in the KN7000
The Song files can then be Loaded/Played one at a time on the KN7000 and then saved as required, to the SD Card.

NOTE : Some of my later SONGS4Uxx.ZIP groups of files are greater than the capacity of a 1.44Mb floppy disk, so rather than copying all the files to floppy disk in one operation after unzipping, it would be best to copy say half of them in two operations. However, do not make a split within a Song Group - each Song Group has a unique number 01 - 20.
You can check the total size of the Unzipped files by highlighting all the files (Ctrl+A) and then mouse right click and select Properties. A pop-up window will appear showing the total file size....

If you wish to download any of the Styles on my, the downloading instructions are included on my Tech Tips Page - Item 4.

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)