First, the files on Page 6 of my website are a collection of Song Sequences and do not contain 'Custom Styles' in the terminology of the KN7000. Most of them, particularly SONGS4U Volume 3 - 17, contain COMPOSER Styles which I've created specifically for the sequenced songs.

The process of transferring the Song Files on Page 6 of my website to your KN7000 via Floppy Disk is quite straightforward... If you give me a little time, I'll write the complete procedure for you and post it here.

Incidentally, there is no "Windows Installer Patch" file among the files on my page. It is unfortunate that one of the Technics file components - the 'Performance Pad' data, uses the File Extension '.MSP' which Microsoft also uses for Windows Installer Patch files.
The '.MSP' file components have absolutely nothing to do with a Windows Installer Patch....

Watch this Space......

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)