There is almost no support for the KN7000. I don't know of any commercial or free styles developed for the 7000. T
The 7000 doesn't have a music finder similair to Yamaha. The technics music database is not near as useful.

Another extremely strange thing, especially for organ players like me, is that Technics claim it to have easy pedal board support and it have midi pedal input. However the 7000 doesn't have any manual bass funcion and it doesn't have a bass part selector with the L, R1, R2 selectors. Also the drawbars and tabs can not be used for the bass part. How to use it as an three manual organ in an easy and simple way?

Hi, I got my bass pedals a mont or two ago. You can assign any sound to the pedals, then save them in the panel memory, as you would save the rest of your set up.

I can set up 80 panel registration in a short period on my Kn7--I am still struggling trying to do the same with my Tyros. It is not as friendly. But do I like the keyboard.

Styles and sequences are much easier to create on the KN7.

If you are an organ player, I feel you must sit with both instruments. IMHO, your decision will come quickly. There is a big difference between both keyboards for the organ player.

Tonkan, It's a good size investment, take all the facts and opinoins you are given lightly. Go hear, go listen--only then will you be comfortable, will you be happy, will you have made the best decision for Tonkan.

Enjoy, John C.