Hi Dazart,
If you are asking an honest question, then there is only one answer. Go to a dealer and play each one for a long enough time to make up your mind. No one can make up your mind for you. If they do, you will always be able to find fault.
Now for my observations.
I have owned my KN7000 for about a year now. Before that a KN2000. I monitor both this forum and the general forum on a very regular basis. From reading the many, many posts on the general forum, I see many Yamaha owners discussing what they wish Yamaha would put into their keyboards.
I find that, except for the vocalizer, the KN7000 has almost all of the items that are looked for by the Yamaha owners. I also see a trend that says "but I can't afford a KN7000".
I believe that what it gets down to is that you pay your money and take your choice and that it depends on what you are going to use the keyboard for. Many of the posts on the general forum are by 'professional' musicians who are singers and not instrumentalists. If you are only going to use the keyboard to supply backup for singing, then any keyboard will cut it because the singing is the key entertainment (hence the gripes about the Technics vocalizer).
Again, make up your own mind - then you will only have yourself to blame if you don't like it.
Just my thoughts,

[This message has been edited by Walt Meyer (edited 11-02-2003).]