Originally Posted By Bernie9
I envy you creative people,but, to thine own self be true and you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Here endeth the lesson.

Rikki, you have always been good at this stuff.


Hi Bernie

Used to be. ( I was just hopeless at music itself haha) I was a technology junkie back in the 80’s /90’s. Used to love reading manuals. Had a partime job in a music store in the office answering help calls, and doing lessons on how to use your keyboard, workstation whatever.
Scariest task they asked me to do , was front a class of 40 or so music students. The school had bought a workstation and couldn’t work out how to use it. I finally agreed I’d do it, only one problem, it’s one I’d never owned, they didn’t have a second workstation for me to take home and try out, only the Manual. Haha
It actually worked out well, I fudged my way thru it. Haha

Stopped reading manuals, but still enjoy working stuff out. Only problem is, brain doesn’t work as well as it used to. Haha
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022