Originally Posted By Dnj
Mark if you don't like it here
why complain, there are so many other forums out there to
discuss whatever you like or PM Scott or Diki to chat. confused1

Wow! I can't believe I read that. Gee Mark, how dare you suggest that a MUSIC forum should be about MUSIC and not about America's original sin; SHOPPING, or more specifically, 'How to use FedEX to correct your bad decision-making'. Ok, I'm trying to remember; when exactly did we cede our democracy? When did only 'Dear Leader's' opinion count?

I re-read Mark's post again, looking for bad language, personal attacts, arranger bashing, etc.; hmmm, couldn't find a single thing; just a suggestion that some of us might like more MUSIC discussions than SHOPPING discussions. Oh well.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]