Originally Posted By rikkisbears

Goodness gracious Gary, If you can afford ito do it,,and your health is still up to it, why not go for it. There’s probably lots of things your family will have to sell that may not be of any use to them. What is one more item. If it sparks you up, wouldn’t it be worth it.

Sitting here at the moment crying my eyes out, lost my little 16 year old parrot yesterday, my little music buddy, my captive audience, Got me thru some tough times over the years with his crazy antics, always made me laugh.
Going thru a bit of a dilemma, do I replace him, ( if my husband offers) knowing full well a new one may well outlive me, therefore placing a burden on my family should that happen.

Well, I decided to get another little parrot. My husband realised how distraught I was over the little guys passing away. Woke me up at 2am and stated, we should replace little Charlie, even he misses the welcoming hello the little guy used to give us when we came home.

So what if he outlives me, came up with a plan, I’ll include him in the WILL, haha, a cashed up bird shouldn’t have too much problem finding a home. Haha. Kidding?
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022