Originally Posted By travlin'easy
The only thing that will bring about the demise of arranger keyboards is the lack of creativity and imagination of users. Nothing more - nothing less. The same holds true with any other musical instrument.

When I hear a style, any style, the very first thing that happens is my aging brain kicks into gear and searches through the cobwebs of my mind for a song that fits that style. The next thing that occurs is I massage that style to make it fit even better than it did originally, tune it to perfection, then try to record that song. This could take just a few minutes, but more often, nearly an hour, or more.

From my perspective, the arranger keyboard is one of the most incredible, musical instruments on the planet. When I lose my sense of creativity and imagination, which I suspect will happen the day I die, at that point it will not make any difference to me.

All the best,

Gary cool

+1 cool2 agreed,......
let's add that the arranger KB is the most
MISUNDERSTOOD instrument also.

Edited by Dnj (07/19/19 08:36 AM)