Arrangers are already dying, and just like the easy play entertainment organs they spawned from they will become a niche market, (This will happen in the next decade) as the only people that use them will primarily be old fogies and those looking for nostalgia, (Each generation move onto things anew and like the previous generation believe that what they use will last forever) these days everything involves around apps, (Even Apple is moving their Macs to full support for apps, just like Microsoft has been doing since the advent of Windows 10) which fortunately manufactures have realised and made their instruments compatible with iPads (Even organs have done the same) to stem the continuing decline.
As I have said before, before fancy styles came out you could identify a player by his playing style, whereas now all you hear is the instrument, (The styles give everything away) and if you simplify the styles then most fall apart as they were not designed to be simple. (This is the reason I prefer styles on organs, as they are simpler and designed to allow the player through with the additional keyboards and pedals)
TIP: Rather than fighting the new, embrace it and see how you can adapt to your requirements. (Be creative and don’t think one instrument fits all, otherwise you will be in trouble)

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).