Originally Posted By Dnj
Aside from the power FREEZE problem he had ......
why doesn't a Seasoned pro like Abby like the sound
of GENOS vs the others he plays every night on a gig as mentioned in the OP?

"I am trying so hard to like this instrument, but the sound is terrible and I struggle every day
to get a decent sound out of it, Especially from the preset styles.
It's incredible that the 3rd party styles posted on this very forum sound better than many
of the Genos preset styles.
I suspect that whoever designed or programmed these styles, especially the drums,
has never gigged in the real world of noisy stages, bars, restaurants, hotels etc.and have
probably spent most of their time in the safety of a sanitized studio."

When you read between the lines, you read the same old story..

Yamaha arrangers are build to sound good trough headphones and on GNS-ms1 speakers or a set of monitors in a living room... the styles are arranged for solo playing.. and are often to busy... 10 years ago people didn’t like the tyros because how Yamaha does drums...

I as a non performer can see why performers would choose ketron or Korg above the Genos... and why home players ar so happy with the Genos..

My Genos sounds great, i keep discovering new sounds almost every day, some are so beatifull that they make me emotional just by pkaying them..
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
