Hi Gary,
Must admit getting older kind of sucks, but at least we’re all doing it together. Haha.
I hope to get a bit more involved again . Finally unpacked my keyboards again after nearly a year, and must admit I’m really enjoying playing my psr s950 again, nearly sold it last year, and ever so glad I didn’t.
Smashed my right wrist badly in a fall last year, and it’s been nearly a year waiting to see if I got full use of my right hand again. Lucky for me the removal of the plate last month, solved my problems.
Trust me to land on my right hand instead of my left, I would have still been able to play one finger chords . Haha.

Keep entertaining us Gary, and all the best .
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022