1. I'm much less excited about new gear.
- I'm still really excited about new gear, Genos/PA4X. But i've come to terms with the fact that i'm not able to afford any of that in the first 2 years of release

2. I spend much less time in my studio (and more watching football).
- I still enjoy playing music for YouTube but i'm not nearly as much recording as i should have.

3. My stamina, especially playing organ, is greatly diminished.
- Still have a lot of stamina although my fingers are sometimes playing tricks on me and that's demotivating.

4. I have much less enthusiasm for rehearsals and find that me and my equally old friends spend more time BS'ing than playing smile.
- Ever since we got a saxophone player in the band and rehearsing just for the sake of rehearsing and not actually playing gigs my enthusiasm dropped down to almost zero..

5. I find it harder to memorize new songs (and forget them quicker as well).
- Thankfully no real problems there although i tend to make a lot of small mistakes on songs no matter how much i play them

6. Just the idea of tearing down and setting up makes me nauseous.
- That's why i started playing guitar in a band, was tired of walking 3 miles with a 25lbs keyboard.

7. I buy all my gear now with no consideration for weight or size. That's because I have no plans to move it smile.
- Same for me, it's no problem picking heavy things up, but i find it better to have it all set haha.

8. AND THE BIGGIE...I am much less creative; ie. I find it harder and harder to come up with good solos...so far, comping is no problem, perhaps because it is so second nature.
- Still pretty creative when it comes to improvisations, and i have a pretty good ear so i can fingure out lots of stuff on the fly, but when it comes to actually being creative in songwriting? Don't get me started LOL

Oh, and i'm typing this at the ripe age of....................................... 27
I'm on YouTube as TheBradge, go check it out please!