I'll respond within quotes below so others can learn too, although I am not Don..... :-)

Originally Posted By synerjim
Hi Don,
On the latest update,
1) When displaying texts/pdfs under registration, can you still access some the screen-based arranger functions like reintro, fill 1, fill 2 etc or the text obscure them?
>>>AJ:- Yes you can. You can actuall select what you want displayed (style view, style voice and variation ... etc) but the basic arranger controls remain below the screen - such as what you have when watching CNN - and a news feed is scrolled at the bottom of the screen, while the top displays the main news of the day!

2) Can you save in a registration a saved voicetron to arranger setup (ie different harmony on each variation)?
>>>AJ:- Yes you can. In the VOICETRON screen, you will first have to create a USER Voictron setup where you already assigned different harmoy tyes to Arranger A, B, C and D. Then use this file in your Registration setup.

3) Can registration memorized intros now?
>>>AJ:- Yes it can *Intros and Endings if you choose to start with an Ending*.

Design Engineer & Product Specialist.