This has turned into an interesting discussion. I for one enjoy all of the demos. The pros and the semi-pros equally. I for one really don't expect to be moving up to the Geno's anytime in the future. Maybe if I win a lotto I might go for a psr s975 or the Korg pa1000 but in the meantime I'm having a ball learning what I can do with my used 3000. For the most part I think I can duplicate most of the stuff I hear on the demos backing my songs. I'm trying to get where I can move around the system without thought and be creative with what I have. I have come to the conclusion that for the most part I have all the arranger I need for North Central Arkansas and the NH circut. Would I like a new kb? Of course! But I am very happy listening to the assorted demos and picking up learning tips from each.
PSR 740,PSR 3000, Mirage, tx7, mp32, Pro Tools 10,11 SONAR, Reaper, BIAB 2020 and a pile of Computer Music mags w/disks
College student was working on Doctoral, Education Now just doing courses to do courses