In nearly every society there is a majority whose rights and privileges greatly outweigh those of the minority population. So it was in ancient Rome, so it is in modern-day America. Those, through accident of birth, who enjoy this privileged status, are loathe to surrender it and can become bitter, resentful, and angry when they see any signs of erosion of that status. Politicians play on these fears to 'divide and conquer'. The underlying motive is almost always wealth and power. It is truly amazing that THREE (3) PEOPLE own as much wealth as the bottom 50% of the entire country. And yet there are many in that 'bottom 50%' that have been brainwashed, manipulated, conditioned, to believe that redistribution of wealth is a bad thing when actually a more equitable distribution is necessary for a healthy economy.

One thing I DO agree with though is that the primary way to effect change is through the ballot box. Those who long for the 'good ol' days' have either forgotten or chosen to 'tune out' those parts of our nation's history that include slavery; lynchings; segregation; inequities in education, employment opportunities, and housing; a criminal justice system that protects certain classes while punishing others; backroom abortions; and the general suppression of civil rights for all but the 'privileged class'.

As long as our 'leaders' can use social issues to appeal to the worst of human nature, even to the point of voting against our own best economic interest, we will continue to regress as a society and probably end up suffering the same fate as ancient Rome. Of course, this is just my point of view, to which I'm sure no one will say "Very well said". does illustrate why politics (and religion) shouldn't mix with music (which transcends all and is only judged by it's quality...most of the time smile ).

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]