Gary, I think Russ performs in Dubai, not Saudi Arabia (Dubai is one of the seven emirates of UAE). They are much less restrictive than Saudi Arabia although they have been criticized for their treatment of foreign workers. Non-Muslims are allowed to drink and only Muslims are subject to Sharia law, so YOU should be okay.

What I reject about your position is that except for the possible threat of physical harm, playing for ANY organization, no matter how vile or contrary to your personal sense of morality, is okay as long as the money is right. Using the old "it's just business" rationalization is tantamount to "I was just following orders", and I think we know how the civilized world feels about THAT excuse.

However, one thing about us Atheists is that we have no one to answer to except our own sense of right and wrong, and that's usually determined by the major influences in your life. Maybe I'm a hypocrite because I do feel more than just a tinge of guilt when I buy my (un-needed) Crumar SEVEN while I watch images of malnourished, lice-infested children with NOTHING, trying to make their way to a safe habour. I could not personally play for an audience or organization that railed against them. That kid isn't taking anybody's job; he/she just wants to live to see another day.

Bottom line: You gotta' stand for SOMETHING.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]