Ted, I don't know if it leaves me "cold"...

Things I like about the G70 that the PA4x doesn't give me..
First the keys are better..
I like the D-beam.
I like the singer key feature..
I like the full feature playlist..
I like the make up tools..
I like the cover feature..
I like 6 realtime parts..
I like 6 fills, 4 intros, 4 endings..
I like the chord read out for all MIDI files..
I like the smart chord recognition of the vocalizer..
I like the FC7 option..
I prefer the more logical OS..
I like the routing options and effects assignments better..
I prefer many of the G70 sounds over the PA4x, like piano and EP's.

These are just a few off the top of my head..

I have never cared for the management of saving styles and songs on the Korg .. [/quote]

If you quote a machine specs that means you only have one eye looking at one machine - that's the Roland G70 to fill your needs. Every other machine/ keyboard will be a learning curve with new features that will frustrate you and educate you and life you higher ( in your creativity); it's up to you which way you want to go.

If you are lucky you might find a G70 in the same great condition and as well looked after as your keyboard; then you will be set. Hope you were able to have a backup of your play lists etc.

P.S. Hope they find the low life that took your baby.

Allan taz
The problem is not the problem...The problem is your attitude to the problem.