Originally Posted By Fran Carango
I would hunt them down and eliminate them... grin

If I had to replace my G70, I would not know what to get..

The Korg line doesn't interest me.. frown

The only Yamaha that could interest me is the Genos, but I will not allow myself to be ripped off.. smile

That leaves Ketron.. maybe SD9, they would have to add more of the custom ram sounds...they were the only great sounds on the SD7. smirk

My only hope lies with the proposed 76 key Roland to be released.. It would have to have the features of the G70 (and BK9) and a large selection of Super Natural sounds..

I liked the E-A7, but it needed some improvements like 76 keys, touch screen, aftertouch, sequencer, and vocal harmonizer... bringing us back to a new Roland offering..

The Ketron SD40 would be considered.. I like my M-Audio Code 61, but would prefer 76 keys ( how about a Code 76) smile

Please don't steal my G70!!! cry

Fran, where did you hear about the "proposed 76 key Roland to be released"? Thanks. smile