Hi Mark. We only use the harmoniser on board 'as is'. Usually it's voices 2 above + 1 below. We don't use any doubling or thickening as I think that just tends to overdo things. So it is just the two of us.

I wouldn't say our harmony arrangement is "impromptu". I mean, we work out what and where the 'oohs', 'aahs', phrases, etc. are going to go beforehand, and we always try to use them effectively. So we try to arrange the songs in the same way a real group would. In effect then, there's my lead vocal plus three harmony voices. Four voices in total, then, pretty much the usual number of voices in a pop vocal group.

In some songs, like The Wanderer, they're in pretty heavy concentration throughout. In others, there might just be a short phrase here and there. The harmony setup we use most is the 'two above and one below' as we find that to be nice and full sounding.

I'm not into the tech side of things either, and working with samples is well beyond my capabilities and interests. I suppose you could sample and ooh or an aah and insert them as you mention, it's just that I've never dabbled with that sort of thing.

Sure, a doo-wop tune like In The Still of The Night would be like any other, as far as the way we use the harmoniser. We do Daddy's Home, by Shep and The Limelights, as an example of doo-wop. Again it's just a matter of singing the oohs and aahs in the right places. There's nothing very complicated about it.

Anyway, thanks again for your very kind comments and I hope how we use the harmoniser has helped you with your own efforts.
Best regards.

Edited by 124 (03/26/18 09:30 PM)