Spalding, you're more than welcome to disagree, respectfully or not, after all it's just one opinion vs. another. In most of these type 'discussions', the free-thinkers will use logic and observable facts to decide on an issue; the 'herd' will decide based on the popularity of the poster (It's one of those "you can't prove it but you know it's true" kind of things).

I will always call it as I see it and try hard not to be one of those 'check to see who the poster is, read the first three words of the post, immediately start writing a rebuttal smile ). But hey, that's one of the things that make THIS forum less boring than most of the other forums---it's a cult of personalities, some good (like me smile ) and some not so good, like ....... uh, you know who you are smile. For those that don't know me well, that last statement was said in jest....mostly.

BTW, how are things over there? We'll trade you Theresa May for......never mind, don't want to start a riot smile. BTW, not a big fan of church or religion (as you well know), but I love and admire the work you do with the youth groups in your church. I so much rather see them in a youth choir than hanging out on street corners (I'm ol' school, I guess smile ).

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]