Originally Posted By cgiles
I still don't understand why we think these things (styles genre') have to be mutually exclusive. Why can't old (legacy) and new (edm,etc.) styles reside on the same hardware platform? If you don't like a particular style, DON'T USE IT. Unless you're selling caskets or cemetary plots, I would think that any business model would want to attract a young, long-term user base. Why this would make older users feel uncomfortable is beyond me.


Chas I agree.... in fact I could never understand why we buy a new keyboard for the styles.... Spend 3 or 4 grand for styles that will be available and play in our 10 year old keyboards.

I never bought a new keyboard for the styles.... Features yes..

All kinds of styles can live in the same keyboard.. The EA7 is a perfect example... It does include the drums and tones needed...