Originally Posted By Melodious
Thanks DNJ for the reply. Is KAOSS only on the Pa4x or is it included in the new OS 2.1 and can it be added to the Pa3x (I might be wrong on this one)? And one last question; I have the chance to either purchase the Korg 3aX or a Yamaha s970. Any suggestions on choosing between the 2? Thanks very much for your help. This forum is much friendlier than other forums I have visited (not in Synth Zone).

Just my 2 pennies worth, I’d go with the Pa3x. I have an S970, had a Pa3x and now the PA4x. If someone put a gun to my head and said “you can only have the Pa3x or the S970” it would be the Pa3x I keep. Both are great boards but there’s just something about playing live with the Pa3x that works better.