I got the call lately saying I'd won the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes. All I had to do was pay the taxes on the winnings and they would bring a new truck and a bunch of money to my house that very day! What a deal! smile
I led the guy on for five minutes or so, acting like I was all excited about it. I told him I didn't have all the money and would he accept a down payment. Finally I asked if he would take a sack of Polk Salad instead. He didn't know what Polk Salad was. I told him it was sorta like turnip greens and that every evening I went out and picked a mess of it and carried it home for supper, and that's about all we had to eat. I'm guessing that they didn't hear that song in India, or wherever he was calling from. I asked him if they had turnip greens in his country! It actually was fun until I got to the part where I told him his mother must be really proud of what he was doing.