Well you are right there ed. I mean I can play a few simple melodies, but when I get right down too it. I really don't play the damn thing. It does sit here more then get used. Maybe it was a mistake for me too buy it. I think I may have jumpped the gun here again. I saw a bargin and I could not resist passing it up. God I feel like such an idiot. I feel lika a person who owns a piano and never really plays it just has it as a piece of furniture. I really thought I would leran to play the thing but I never did. Also I feel intimidated by this thing as well espically the keyboard. BTW: ed, I thought you had a juno-106?

That's the problem machine, I really don't have much of an imagination, when it comes to playing keyboards.

I should have gotten a Roland MC 303 instead of this Juno-106. I have always like drum sounds, and rythms, and looping. Plus the fact with the MC-303 you really don't need to play per-se. Becuse everything is done for you.

If you really want too know the truth. I find that a keyboard is more of a hinderence then a helpful tool.