Hi Mike
here's my opinion, admittedly by one who doesn't play keyboard.(Mel, my wife, plays the k/bd, I blow sax and molest a few vocals, also do some tweaking of rythms, sound edits etc. )BUT, for live gigging, which we do also, there is really no contest ! We only had our KN 6500 for about 10 months before we saw the KN7 and it was love at first sight( and sound ) The speed which the SD loads compared with the floppy is awsome, the SD cards themselves are more durable and are not subject to magnetic interference.
This is before you consider the sounds, which are greatly improved in most sections, especially the organs. I think the speakers are also upgraded. Then you have the expanded 128 note polyphony and you can see there is quite a difference. Hope this helps Mike.
OK Technics, just email me and I'll tell you where to send the cheque !!!

Originally posted by MusicMan0075:
First thanks you'all, I really appreciate all the info posted here.
I currently own a kn3000 which I use for one man band kinda gig's. Recently having looked around at other keyboards I realized that I must've been sleeping because technology has moved way beyond the kn3000.
Having looked at the Yamaha, Roland, Solton/Ketron and korg keyboards I decided to stick with Technics because
1. It's user friendly
2. Features are easily accessible (during live gig's)
3. And most of all, because you guys in this forum are just the greatest!

So now I'm considering to buy either the kn6500 or the kn7000 after reading your post I wonder if you can clarify for me which one to buy.
It's my understanding that on both keyboards you can store up to 20 user styles (20 x 4 variations + fill-ins, intro'd and endings) which would be enough for me. So my question is, is there anything else on the kn7000 that would be advantageous to the one man band user over the kn6500?

Thanks again