Originally Posted By: abacus
Originally Posted By: Mikem
Originally Posted By: rosetree
Assigning 0 to 5 points for the realism of the first sounds, my score would be:

Tyros 5 / PA-4X
Piano: 3 / 5
Big Strings: 3 / 1,5 frown
Full Pipe Organ: 5 / 4,5
Solo Violin: 3,5 / 5
Nylon Guitar: 5 / 5

I've seen the video 2 or 3 times already, and I took notes. Judging only this particular video, I prefer the Korg for;

*Piano *Strings *Violin *Blues Style *Balad Style

I prefer the Tyros for;

*Pipe Organ *Guitar *Bossa Style *Rock Cha Cha Cha Style

It also depends what style variations he used. And for the WoodWinds (Flute, Clarinet and Sax), I think I may prefer the Korg.

I'm kins of shocked, because in the past, I was never crazy about Korg's solo instrument sounds, compared to the earlier Tyros models. Plus, the Korg is less expensive.

Why can't $10,000 just fall from the sky so I can get both? smile

Someone has to win the lottery, and you have just as much chance as anyone else. (Assuming you play it of course)

Fingers crossed


Thanks for your well-wishes, but I don't gamble. smile