Tx for all the good comments.

Yesterday, I played for a little over an hour at an assisted living place here in town...10 minutes away from where I live. I had been there one time before.

I was told there would be a good sized crowd( for them that means about 35 folks). They had liked what they had heard before they said. And about 35 showed up...smaller room.

Like other gigs I've done in the past for this age group, most folks sat there expressionless.
Finally, I stopped and asked, "Are you all having a good time?" Immediately I got applause, smiles broke out and folks said "Keep Playing!" smile

Anyway, a retired MD, from my hometown who was living there came up and told me he thought I was a good entertainer...folks wanted me back. The AD(young gal...aren't they all?), scheduled me through the end of the year.

This is all new to me as I'm a guitar player trying to do the keyboard thing and just starting my solo gigs(career?)

Thanks again for all the responses
It’s all about the learning