I charge 250.00 to 300 for Senior centers over 2 hours assisted Living 100.00 to 200.00 for 1 hour show will NOT PLAY for under that once I did that my calendar has been booked all the time of course I do a resort 3 to 4 night a week it at night the senior centers most are in daytime I had to show the customer what they got for the Money and all feel they get there moneys worth

many will play for 50.00 to 75.00 but the level of Entertainment is just that if you are good and sound the best you can get is the min you should get is over 100.oo per hour , I have built my business by working for it and doing a great show you got to go out every day and do a great show even if it 10 people everybody deserves you best .

now I also do some high end shows as well that pay much larger amounts as well but I keep the calendar full at all times .
Genos, PSR S970, Fender Tele Amercian Deluxe Cherry sunburst , Cubase Pro 8 ,Yamaha A3M Acoustric ,Taylor 814, Ibenez Artcore Custom Tascam DP 32 Yamaha DXR 10, QSC K-12, K 12 Sub K 8 Sinn 945
2 Fender Expo line units .