Russ, problem is most of us are not celebrities. We are paid to play dance or listening music. Our employers might appreciate our political statements, or they might be on the other side of the fence and NOT appreciate them.
A lot of us do perform at functions where "protest" songs are appropriate, such as certain charities, but don't publicize these things. When you go overseas to play for people who consider you so far beneath them that they don't speak to you, do you play "God Bless The USA"? Probably not, since you came back with all your body parts.
If someone holds a rally against Planned Parenthood and needs music, I'll be there! There are other causes that interest me, but they may not be the same causes of the people in a general audience, and those are the people that pay my bills!
If Donald Trump needs me I'm available, but he can afford to pay. smile I'll bet THAT goes over well with some of my Democrat friends!! smile
Chas, if you hired me for a house party, would you like me to play songs mocking our President? Point is, it's a very sticky situation, and I'll just play songs you already know the words to and that have a recognizable chord structure!
I don't think this topic is inappropriate. It's another facet related to what we do.
I love you all!