DNJ, why didn’t your invention work? How would a hood help give more slant to the screen? Are talking about outdoor use?

I remember having two large round rubber pieces with a hole in the center; they were made to fit on an X stand. It added about 3 inches to the back of the keyboard. When I purchased the Pa800 I need to slant the screen. I used two new rubber insulating the fit on the bottom of a garage door, they were 2 ½ wide. Wrapped them around the back end of the X stand; secured them with Velcro – worked fine; no sliding forward. I like your idea better, more professional. I tried using a small TV but that’s more stuff again.

In my home I am using my Ultimate stand; the two arms that support the keyboard have the non-skid material secured with Velcro. The back of the keyboard is raised 9 inches – I only use this setup when programing.

I love these types of posts, they make the mind work.

John C.