Thank you Gary. From what you said and from a couple of private replies I've had, the bass is too strong. I am hearing that also, particularly on certain styles.
I was tinkering with the vocals because of the Space Station amp.
This falls in line with my early issues with the Space Station. I was hearing it as being a little muddy because it was! Had nothing to do with the Space Station except that the sub was reproducing the lows where I could hear them louder.
I will use my original keyboard and vocal settings tonight and roll off a little bottom on the styles. As always it's a work in progress.
I was hoping to get more responses because the songs have been accessed quite a number of times already. I am afraid people don't like the sound and don't want to hurt my feelings, but that's why I posted the songs. Not to get way to go's, but to hear other opinions. I don't trust my ears too much any more.