Hi Marcus,

Tx for your detailed explanation. Like you, I like to modify styles. But I'm no perfectionist. If it does not come out nicely, I simply move on to the next style.

Onacimus over at PSRTutorial, he's a perfectionist. If he converts something, you can bet it's perfect. But as you say, my mods make for a good foundation for further tweaking.

My only gripe: Michael's Stylemaker & Yamaha's Mega Enhancer is not written to allow batch conversions, so it is very time consuming with many, many clicks for each style to be converted. Oh yes, & then I have to use Jorgen's SFC converter to 1st convert back to SFC1 format as even Yamaha's own converter cannot handle SFC2 formats correctly.

Keep well my friend,

Make sure you'll fly forever!