Are you a Troll? Not sure? You know you’re a Troll if you:
1. Display false interest

You join a chat you’re not interested in only tell people how lame the chat, topic or guests are.
2. Act overly critical

You join a chat and your only contribution to the collective discourse is to criticize comments, opinions or people.
3. Argue ad nauseum

You continue to argue a point well beyond any educational value for you or the audience to the point where you’re comments are simply repetitive rhetoric.
4. Wage attacks

You post personal attacks on someone’s character, family, job etc. instead of respectfully discussing the point at hand.
5. Present opinions as facts

You fervently argue subjects in which you have no real experience or subject matter expertise, yet present your point of view as fact.
6. Engage those you don’t like

You openly share your dislike or annoyance with an individual(s) yet continuously bait into public discussions through tweets/posts/blog comments.
7. Reject conflicting points of view

You publicly and loudly reject any opinion or fact that is not owned or shared by you, regardless of its validity or interest to the local audience or community at large.
8. Fan the flames in order to “win”

You refuse to “agree to disagree”, choosing to continue to bait your audience with questions and comments that fuels a continuing argument. You have to “win” every discussion as if was a game and will continue to argue even if the discussion moves on to other topics.
9. Don’t allow room for healthy debate

You don’t appreciate a dialogue with those who don’t express your point of view and never offer a “Thank You” for the exchange of information or opinions, choosing to get the last word in with a final insult or criticism.
10. Act childish

You resort to swearing or personal attacks when your point of view is not embraced by others instead of simply moving on.
11. Love to beat a dead horse

You introduce topics you love to hate-on even when no one else is discussing them or when it’s not part of the group’s discussion topic, simply to fuel your need to criticize.
12. Possess anger issues

You respond to others with increasing intensity, hatred, or provocation. You’re fuelled by the negativity.