First thing is you are comparing two different types of systems, the Bose/LD Maui/RCF Evox. are your "Portable Line array"

The HK Nano 300/600, are more of the conventional speaker design.

Benefits of the line array design, is less drop off of volume as the distance from the speaker increases, and the physics of line arrays allow for a much bigger sweet spot, thus eliminated the hot spots. But because of this, you tend to lose the impact presence a conventional pa design gives.

But if you look at any venue that has invested into their sound systems, broadway theaters, outside amphitheaters, live sound venues, you will almost always see a line array set-up. Because of the dispersion of sound is much more controlled and spread out.

The difference here is that we all play in different environments, so each speaker system will not always be the best for that situation, but these systems we are looking at are the best at what they do, and you will not be dissatisfied which whatever you use.

The last variable is the size of the room, amount of people, type of music being played, amount of bass wanted/needed, and the volume to be played at.

This is why let's say a Bose compact, or LD Maui 11, or HK nano 300. are very similar for smaller gigs. But move to a bigger room or more people, you might find yourself running out of gas with these systems. Simple solution, get another, or start off with the bigger versions of these, and just turn it down at the smaller gigs.

In a few weeks I possible will be having a small demonstration at my store, which will include

Ketron Audya 4,5, midjay pro
Yamaha Tyros 5
Roland Bk9
Korg PA series

playing through

LD Maui 11,28,44
HK Elements
HK Nano 300, possibly 600
RCF Evox