Almost forgot, with any kind of luck, I will be spending the winter in the Keys, probably Marathon for at least a month of so, before heading over to the west coast and visiting some friends and forum members, then back to the frozen north. If anyone wants to help me put together another Synthzone Jam, preferably while I'm in Marathon, I'll be happy to try and set up a location, which I'm confident will not be a problem. Lots of resorts, marinas, restaurants, etc..., that I'm fairly confident would want to host the event. Hey, they get more touristas, and free music to boot from some of the best entertainers in the nation.

I think it would be a great getaway vacation for many of you northerners, but not DNJ - he loves snow and cold, slipping around on the ice, frostbite while loading and unloading gear, and all that other cold associated stuff. wink Stay home, Donny! wink I'll bet Nancy would love to be there, though. smile

The weather in Marathon during January and February is quite mild, 70s to 80s, some days may be warmer, some will be cooler. It rarely rains that time of year, the town is jumping because it's tourist season and all the snow birds will be there. It would be really neat to have a Synthzone Jam in a big Tiki Hut with a couple hundred people in the audience, all attired in shorts, sandals, tropical shirts, a jam that would go into the evening hours (No outdoor music permitted after 10 p.m. there.). Marathon is a place for OUR kind of audiences to have fun, and believe me these folks love to party. Key West is a kids hangout, but Marathon is where snow birds and cruising sailors ranging in age from 45 to 75 love to play.

Think about it,



Gary cool
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)