As luck would have it, my damaged rotator cuff is on my right shoulder.

I thought I'd break out an arranger and try to use intros and endings, and no intro/lead lines or other activities involving my right hand.

The result was so far from acceptable that I can't imagine what I was thinking. Same with using any pre-recorded materials and singing over them. I simply can't tolerate that kind of activity, for me, as a musician or as a member of the audience....AWFUL!

Not for me.

Using an arranger for a drum track and an occasional bass line, with foot initiated breaks is fine.

At an acceptable level, I can play my own intros, lead lines, solos, etc., with MY STAMP on them.

Usually, I also use my left hand for playing bass. That leaves no question that the music is substantially live and allows medleys, modulations...all kinds of fun..."on the fly" things to happen whenever they are called for.

I'm not saying my way is fact, I was looking for a way to work through surgery and recovery.

I'm saying that this is not the answer for me.

The alternative is an extended break and recovery period, hoping I'd eventually heal enough to get back to work.

To maintain my sense of accomplishment and avoid embarrassment, that's what I'll have to do.



Edited by captain Russ (09/13/14 05:50 PM)