Originally Posted By: cgiles
Originally Posted By: travlin'easy
As the old saying goes "Opinions are like a$$holes - everybody has one." wink

I think it's clear that this forum is much more of a 'social media' forum (which gives it it's addictive quality) than a music forum....the downside is that this sometimes leads to cliques and alliances within a forum which can take on a tone of exclusivity. Symptoms of this are when 95% of the posts are from 5% of the members. I could go on but I'm sure I've already said too much. Now I could be dead wrong about all of this, but remember, it's just my opinion (and you know what they say about opinions).

Chas......you're NOT "dead wrong." And I wish you would stop making great statements like you often do that tell it like it is and then kind of apologize for "going out on a limb" with those same remarks.

I noticed a long time ago that this is more of a social meeting hall (kind of like a saloon in the Old West or your local Elks Club...minus the alcohol). I've also been in touch privately with 3-4 other members and they expressed the same view.

Now that's not to say there's anything wrong with that, but there's also nothing wrong with calling a "spade a spade."

And, to be fair, I read the posts every day because I really think the members here are just plain "nice guys"...and interesting.......and funny too, verrrrry funny!

But, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I wish there was more "music" talk in here instead of the (sometimes) "chest-pounding" and the (oftentimes) splitting hairs with mindless, endless debates over something like "which keyboard is better!"

In another group I'm in (with 500 members), I posted a "substitute chord progression" someone did in the song Opus One that I thought was brilliant and that it might serve as a platform to discuss some creative ideas amongst the group. What I got in return was.....dead silence. The room collapsed as it always does when I bring up remarks that might help someone to advance in musical skills.

Does anyone have any ideas on why that is? That in a "music group" such as this, no one actually talks about "making music?"

As for the Diki remark you made to Donny ("And Donny, yes I do miss Diki. At least you could count on him for an intelligent response to a post.").....

I, Mark, say dealing with Diki is like owning a Maserati.....a magnificent machine to have in your stables, but you pay a heck of a price for "having it in your stables!"

Still.....the man IS informative, dedicated, and focused on music. I DO like that about Diki!
