Ian, everyone knows that emoticon is meant to demean and diminish the importance of someone's post. If you're too lazy to put up an actual post, fine, but putting up that emoticon (as you've been doing a lot lately) is just downright juvenile.

Don, obviously Ian doesn't share your view of encouraging people to give opinions, at least ones he deems 'unimportant'.

Obviously, I did NOT request that people restrict themselves to arranger topics (else my own post count would be about 20) and I certainly hope that I did not imply that such things as updates on the health and well-being of one of our members were not important to all of us. I was merely trying to point out that 'running smoothly' sometimes just means not upsetting the status quo. Occasionally, the status quo needs to be upset.

And Donny, yes I do miss Diki. At least you could count on him for an intelligent response to a post.

Any more haters (of free speech)?

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]