
Yamaha has a tendency to deny bugs exist in any product they release to the public. I caught numerous bugs in my 9000 Pro and Yamaha vehemently denied they existed. Numerous phone conversations and several in person meetings at NAMM and AES yielded nothing. It wasn't until I spoke with one of Yamaha's clinicians that he actually admitted Yamaha knew the bugs existed and had no plans to rectify them. Yamaha's words to me where that I was one of only a handful of people that had ever utilized the arranger in that fashion. Therefore they saw no reason to remedy it. In fact their remedy was to discontinue the product altogether.

I'll admit my use of the 9000 Pro put it through its paces but it was marketed as a professional product intended for what I wanted it to do but it wasn't capable of doing so.

In watching the progression of the Tyros line I've yet to see Yamaha integrate features as simple as real time control of synthesizer parameters, extended sequencer tracks and editing, ability to load and play Akai and other popular sample formats, ability to easily sample, map, and integrate new drum sounds, additional polyphony, and better voice allocation.

Polyphony and voice allocation has always been a problem I've encountered on Yamaha products, especially arranger products. Even older Casio, Korg, Kurzweil, and Roland products with half the polyphony utilized far better voice allocation. I've yet to see a T5 in person but given the fact the T4 still had these issues, I doubt the T5 would be any different. Only time will tell.