Originally Posted By: squeak_D

it's not the players here who outgrow their keyboards, rather they get bored of playing their SAME routine on their keyboard. Then the new lemon fresh model comes out and they flock to it just to play their same routine, barely scratching the surface of their arrangers capabilities.., and then they just wash rinse and repeat over and over.

If more players actually dug into their arrangers features AND learned to use them, I think we'd be seeing a lot less people flocking to those preorders. Hell my PSR S700 (circa 2008) in the right hands can shake up a crowd. IMO too many people seem to think a few new sounds and styles will make them a better player, when in reality they'll find themselves bored again playing their same routine and.., well you know how the story ends ;-)

I agree wholeheartedly, Squeak. Having been the proverbial "fly on wall" for more years than I want to admit to, as a clinician/demonstrator, I often wondered why some people upgraded.

The players I was able to do style creating clinics with, tended to hold on to their arrangers far longer than those who just played what was there, or added a few Premium styles.

I was also lucky enough to spend some serious quality time with each new arranger, and in most cases, I didn't even have to crack the manual, as the OS system was basically the same.

I always suggest that players dig into the style creator, and/or the Voice Editing software...it requires a bit of time, but the results are well worth it, and the player is using a larger percentage of his/her expensive arranger.

Let's face it, styles are the heart and soul of the arranger keyboard and even if someone did trade up, they would still be able to carry along the style/voice editing skills into the new instrument, as these tools are basically the same, with a few enhancements at the most. Plus they could still use their created styles from the older instrument, perhaps even enhancing them with the newer sounds, or parts from the new on-board styles.

After hearing your excellent piano piece on the PSR-S700, and some of the fine work by fellow SZ'er, Telmo, it should be apparent to more than a few, that tweaking and editing pays off big time.

My nearly two year old Tyros4 will carry me along for quite a few years yet...and, I truly feel, it was money well invested.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.