Yamaha have already moved much of their production to China. It didn't appear to put a crimp in THEIR sales or position (and I doubt you can find a post by me saying much at ALL about it).

Why should Roland doing the same thing worry anyone? These are huge multi-national corporations. And many of them have been pulling factories from all over Europe and offshoring the jobs to China.

Now, I've got an entirely different opinion about the whole thing if you put it in the larger picture of low end and middle end jobs being shipped wholesale to the Republic of Cheap Labor so that fat corporations can make products cheaper and try to sell them at low prices to people who no longer have a job to buy them, all to fatten up the dividends to the wealthy few who have shares in the company, but that's got nothing to do with whether its a keyboard company or a maker of bubble wrap...

Brooster's strange posts seem to be far more designed to bait than actually refer to what has happened. One only has to look at his juxtaposition of trying to equate one plant in Europe getting closed and moved offshore to Yamaha closing down entirely, and you realize how desperate (or uncomprehending) he is to start a fight.

Tell you what, Broo... When Yamaha actually DO close down, let's revisit this storm in a teacup. In the meantime, keep up those English lessons. Basic Comprehension 101 could do with a do-over.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!