Since I stoped doing House Gigs my business has never been better I have a more diversified crowd and better tips better CD sales higher pay and booked at least 5 shows a week no more house Gigs I have found that by playing multiple places business has never been better and the buzz has been great.

it take's a little work to ramp it up but now I am reaping the reward food for thought.
Genos, PSR S970, Fender Tele Amercian Deluxe Cherry sunburst , Cubase Pro 8 ,Yamaha A3M Acoustric ,Taylor 814, Ibenez Artcore Custom Tascam DP 32 Yamaha DXR 10, QSC K-12, K 12 Sub K 8 Sinn 945
2 Fender Expo line units .